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Portfolio for various projects and things I have worked on


Bullet-Time Metroidvania

REDSHOT is a bullet-time metroidvania game that released on steam in August 2022. Built from scratch using Gamemaker Studio 2, it features fully custom pixel art, sounds, music, and game design created by me. It is available on steam, with a free demo.

Features include ~8 hours of gameplay, 4-player local co-op, over a dozen boss fights, and a integral bullet-time mechanic that sets it apart from it's contemporaries. More info available on steam in the link below.

Overgrowth Boss.png



Sci-Fi FPS Action-Adventure game

Emerald City (name subject to change) is a science fiction first person shooter adventure game (in the style of the new resident evil games) made in Unity HDRP and loosely inspired by the Wizard of Oz. Currently early in development, it focuses on journalist Arthur Doyle as he travels to Jupiter's moon Ganymede to document and report on a massive hole that has opened up on the surface of the gas giant. The appearance of the massive unexplained phenomenon causes extreme gravitational anomolies and supernatural phenomenon that is causing massive destruction and fear as the governing body of the system evacuates the populace. Arthur ends up caught up in the middle of the natural disaster as the fate of his life and potentially the entire solar system hangs in the balance.

Concept art modeled in Blender.

More info coming soon.


Emerald City / 3D Modeling Media

Music and Sound Design

15 years of experience with audio engineering and music production

With over 15 years of audio engineering experience, working with sound is probably my most refined skill. On top of my sound design work for REDSHOT and EMERALD CITY, I have a large backlog of music I have made over the years. Attached is the music player for my most recent album that showcases a good variety of tracks I am capable of making, as well as a few select soundscape tracks that would fit nicely as a background piece in a game to the left. However it only scratches the surface, and more can be found on my bandcamp page linked below.

(No more storage space on this site or else I would put more)

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